Saturday, July 3, 2010

5 Tips For Building a Business Online Making Friends

Ok...uhm! Let's get down to business fast.

The 5 top tips to build any business online using social media are...

#1: be yourself and always use your own full name when creating profiles on social media sites.
Don't use weirdo profile names. Be real. You do not introduce yourself to people you meet offline as "onlinehomebusinesstrainer" do you? Or "weightlossmastercoach"?? Do I need to say more?

"Hi, my name is...." You do it offline, do you? And that is how you should do it online too.

#2: invest in the necessary social media tools
Yup! As in any business you must invest, my friend! There is never something for nothing. The good news is it doesn't have to cost much. So here is what you need.

- A digital Photocam: you want to make as much pics of your life as possible so people can get into your world. I got one on my iPhone so probably you got one of your mobile too. Just make sure you got a good photo quality.
- A Sony Bloggie, a FLIP or a KODAK Zi8 video camera. Now this is a must. I have been playing with several types of video cameras and I have chosen the Sony Bloggie as my favourite. But you can choose which one you prefer. and they only cost about $199 a piece. With software like Windows Movie Maker or iMovie you can easily edit your movies before you post them online.

#3: Be of value to your connections.
You can connect with people online but unless you don't give them valuable information the connection will be fruitless for both of you. Make posts of information you like and discover. Let your connections follow you into your world. Create a great growing atmosphere so everybody grows as a human using social media. Three words are important: deliver, deliver, deliver!

Another way of putting it is: focus on what you can give, not what you can get.

#4: Don't become a social media junkie
It is not necessary to join "every" social media site on the planet. I use preferably Facebook for building my networking business. And this works fine for me. Facebook has over 300,000,000 users so it has great potential for me and I have met some great business partners on this site.

#5: Just do it
Yeah! Don't you just love the NIKE slogan?? It's the truth and nothing but the truth...If you don't take the necessary actions so you can make your own Social media strategy a success then nothing will happen. 10 to 15 Minutes a day will do the work for you. Create valuable content and people will start to look into you as a real person which they even may like and as the oldest saying in the book goes... people join people they like...:-)

There you have it! 5 Simple tips to make a living online using social media. It's fun try it.:-)

See Also : best sport goods store Best Cameras Digital Store online for sale Digital Cameras Stylus

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